Parts and Counterparts

I've written a little paper about the difference between theories on which ordinary things are fusions of parts located at various places, times, and worlds, and theories on which they instead have counterparts there. The dull conclusion is that there is no difference. I'm not sure I believe anything in there, and it's all quite rough, so comments are welcome: Parts and Counterparts (PDF).

Update 2005-03-08: Robbie Williams points out that my translation between Counterpart and Fusion Theory does not handle fission cases correctly. I should at least (following Lewis's translation scheme) say that names in the fusion language are indeterminate between all maximal eligible fusions of the corresponding counterparts from the counterpart language. But this is only a partial fix. I hope to come up with something better soon, though as I'm on the road for the next couple of days, that will probably have to wait until the weekend.


# on 08 March 2005, 16:10


i'm very busy atm (damn first year tutoring), but i'll get round to the paper next week and email you any feedback.


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